To indent the first line of a paragraph, put your cursor at the beginning of the paragraph and press the tab key. Indent all paragraphs a half-inch using the tab key for papers written to conform to APA style. For set-off quotations in MLA format, the indent is one inch. You can typically simply press the tab key to make this indent. The First Line indent is used to indent the first line of a paragraph or of every paragraph. It is indicated by a single triangle on the Ruler at the current right margin. The Right indent controls the space between the paragraph and the right margin and has a marker of its own. Choose your settings, and then select OK.Go to Home and then select the Paragraph dialog box launcher.Select one or more paragraphs that you want to adjust.You can reverse more than one action that has been undone. To reverse your last action, press CTRL+Z. If there are no user-defined tab stops in the paragraph, Word indents to the first default tab stop. This shortcut will move all lines except the first one to the next tab stop. You can press Ctrl + T to apply a hanging indent to a paragraph. Is there a keyboard shortcut for hanging indent? Press the blue Apply button to apply the changes you made. In that panel, change the right indent to the indent you want. Then go to Format > Align & indent > Indentation options. The easiest way to change the right indent is to select the text you want to apply the right indent to. How do you indent on a Chromebook keyboard?

But in the Pages app, it’s easy to insert a perfect indent with just a few quick taps on the screen. Just hold down the Ctrl key when you press Tab at the start of the first line: this causes Word to insert a Tab character, rather than indenting the whole paragraph. How do you indent without moving everything? To decrease indent, press Ctrl + Shift + M. To increase indent of the selected paragraph, press Ctrl + M.

Under “Special,” select “Hanging.” Press the blue Apply button to save your changes. Hi, Brigid, To get a hanging indent, put your cursor in the line/paragraph you want to indent and go to Format > Align & Indent > Indentation options. How do you indent without tab in Google Docs?