Research note taking software
Research note taking software

research note taking software

I have a lot! You don’t have to create that many properties. The following image shows the properties that I created in my main database to give you some ideas and inspire you. For example, as I’m working on three specific Parkinson’s disease symptoms, I added a “selection” property that lists the symptoms the paper discusses. Then you can add properties that are directly related to your search.

  • The date that you read the article, using a Date property.
  • Link to the article, using an URL property.
  • Interesting? : 1 to 3 stars rating, using Select.
  • research note taking software

    Status: To Read, Currently Reading, Finished Reading, which is a Select.You can start with just a few properties that you think will be useful to you, and you can always add more later as you learn to use Notion and discover new ideas for sorting your academic literature! Every property you add will be added to the complete database. Then click on “Add a Property” and add the properties you want. Now that you know what a property is, it’s time to create some! To do this, click on a paper’s title to open the page. Dates (Custom date, Created date, Last Updated Date).Select (1 choice only), Multi-Select (Multiple choices).There are many different kinds of properties one can create:


    Now that you’ve learned how to add papers to the database, the next step is to customize the properties you want for the papers! Properties are certain fields we can create to describe the papers in the database.

    research note taking software

    All that I need to do is to select the title of the paper before clicking on the Google Scholar icon. I use the Google Scholar Chrome extension to get the BibTex entry for that paper. How to get the reference of the papers in the Notion database? Later, we’ll see how to create different “views” to sort through the papers.Īdding a paper using the Notion Chrome extension is very easy! So, after adding a few papers, you get a database in which ALL of your papers are referenced, regardless of their research subject or methodology. Then, you can delete the 3 empty rows that were entered in the database automatically. That’s it! The article is then automatically added to the database with a direct link to the web page. When I’m on the website with the paper or PDF, I click on Notion’s Chrome extension and then select the database I want to add the new article. Now that the database is created, we need to fill it up! To do so, I used the Google Chrome extension from Notion.Īdd scientific papers with the Notion Chrome Extension The page will be imported into your personal space on Notion.


    If you want to skip this step, you can directly start using the free template that I am offering you. Enter a title, and you can also choose an icon to represent the page! Then, select “Table” under “Database” to create a new database to start entering your scientific papers. How to use Notion to manage literature for graduate studentsįirst steps on Notion & Creating the database I started using Notion with the current project I’m going to explain in this blog post, so if you have never used Notion before, you should be able to get started with this project! Related | 14 Ways to Get Motivation to Study NOW! Of course, the main disadvantage of Notion is that since it is a very customizable tool, the learning curve is quite steep: it is difficult to understand how Notion works when you start. What sets Notion apart from all competitors is that this note-taking tool offers the possibility of personalizing everything from A to Z, which allowed me to customize the tool exactly for my needs and what I needed for my literature review.

  • Rating to say how interesting the article is for my research.
  • I was looking for a tool that would allow me to create my own fields to filter out articles that I found during my literature search. If you want to build yourself a real list of scientific articles classified according to your needs, as in the image below, continue reading this article to discover my method! Zotero only serves me as a bank of scientific articles, nothing more. There is little customization possible at the folder or tag level. There are Mendeley and Zotero, two well-known tools for saving articles and generating bibliographies, but these are only useful for keeping a list of papers. How do I keep track of all open tabs on my browser? How to find a paper X which used such a method? How to order and classify scientific papers? When I wanted to start, I didn’t know how to create a list of scientific papers to read and how to manage this growing list of literature. I have to write a literature review for my master’s thesis.

    Research note taking software